
Kim i North oraz Kourtney w drodze do restauracji w St. Barts (20/08/2015)

Calm before the storm: Kim Kardashian was spotted going out for a bite to eat on Thursday night in St. Barts before flying out the next morning due to an impending hurricane Helping hand: Kim did offer some assistance to the two-year-old when it came to a set of stairs

She's in charge! Little North was spotted getting out of a hired car with her famous mom before taking charge of the situation - showing she takes after her father Kanye West in having an independent spirit  Style over comfort! Still wearing stilettos for the night out, despite being quite far along in her second pregnancy, she kept a watchful eye over her independent daughter

 Nothing is getting them down! the mother and daughter looked to be in high spirits the night before the threat of hurricane Danny forced them to leave the Caribbean paradise

Bumpin' along: The 34-year-old is nearly six months pregnant with her second child Good thing they got out: Danny is the first major hurricane of 2015 (category 3) and was about 900 miles east of the Leeward Islands in the eastern Atlantic Ocean on Friday

Lookalikes! They duo shared the same expression while navigating a landscaped path

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