
Kourtney na lotnisku JFK w Nowym Jorku (12/04/2016)

Adored: Kourtney Kardashian was followed by fans as she arrived to JFK airport in NY on Tuesday Kourtney wore a light grey sweater with long button-less coat that made her look ready for a winter wonderland. Kourtney wore a light grey sweater with long button-less coat that made her look ready for a winter wonderland.

She's so Cali! Dark jeans and pointy velvet boots added an some Los Angeles edge Need a nap? The daughter of Kris Jenner looked sleepy as she was followed by bodyguards

Capturing the moment: Kourtney appeared to be recording the fanfare on her iPhone as she left the airportCapturing the moment: Kourtney appeared to be recording the fanfare on her iPhone as she left the airportShady lady: Kourtney designer black glasses stayed in place as she made her way to her ride

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