
Kylie w West Hollywood (31/03/2016)

Kylie wybrała się do restauracji Craig’s.

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Kliknij aby zobaczyć pełny rozmiarkylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

Kliknij aby zobaczyć pełny rozmiarkylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

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kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01 kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

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kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01 

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01  kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01  kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01  kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01  kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01  kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01

kylie jenner speaks out after telling fan not to touch her 01 Not good: At first the 18-year-old E! star took all the attention in stride even though the young girl was pulling at her arm

Calm down: The fan looked distressed as Kylie headed into the restaurant without stopping for photos  Dedicated: The reality star struggled to keep a straight face as the girl chased her while begging for a selfie

Dedicated: The reality star struggled to keep a straight face as the girl chased her while begging for a selfie  Biggest fan: A bodyguard escorted Kylie as she was mobbed by young girls while out in LA

Desperate: The determined youngster refused to give up, chasing Kylie with her phone out  Get a grip: The girl grabbed Kylie's arm as she pushed for the photo

Get a grip: The girl grabbed Kylie's arm as she pushed for the photo  Busy: The teen was surrounded by young female fans but didn't stop to take any photos

Never give up: The girl reached out for Kylie's arm as the reality star tried to brush past her  Aftermath: The youngster looked upset as she watched her idol get away

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