
Kourtney w Londynie (06/06/2016)

Kourtney została zaproszona na imprezę do domu Jimmy'ego Carr'a. Pojawili się tam również Elton John z mężem, Ayda Field (żona Robbie'go Williams'a), Hugh Grant  oraz Księżniczka Zjednoczonego Królestwa Beatrice (wnuczka królowej Elżbiety II)
Hot mama! Kourtney Kardashian looked ready to take London by storm on Monday evening as she stepped out in a racy outfit  She's got some front! The 37-year-old seemed in fine form as she was spotted leaving her hotel while wearing black top that revealed her lacy bra

Ready for fun! Completing the reality star's attire was a pair of skinny black trousers and open toe stilettos as she looked ready for the fun night out   So stunning: She looked naturally beautiful as she prepared to let her hair down in style

Gorgeous: Her raven tresses were styled in a tousled fashion as she stepped out of her car earlier that evening  Watch your step: She tentatively climbed out of her car in her sky-high heels

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